Stonewall Sports Norfolk is a volunteer led organization. Our leadership team works hard to provide safe, fun, inclusive, and diverse LGBTQIA+ organized sports and social events for the Coastal Virginia area. We are always looking for new energy and unique perspectives. Forward thinking and determination are what help us continue to expand, grow, and improve our community.
Board Benefits
Unique opportunities to give back to our community
A voice in planning and directing in the league
A platform to meet and interact with hundreds of new people
And more!
Applicants must have played a full sport season within the last year to be eligible for General and Principal board positions
Applicants for Executive board positions must have been a registered Member AND is either a current Principal Leadership Board member who has served more than 6 months or a past Principal Leadership Board member who served at least 12 months. ***NEW*** If you have 4 years direct experience for an Executive role, you may apply. Please complete the application and email your resume to
The Assistant Marketing Director will be responsible for
assuming the duties and responsibilities of the Marketing Director in their absence.
They will be a non-voting member of the General Leadership Board. They are
encouraged to provide feedback and participate in General Leadership Board
meetings and are expected to be compliant with all provisions of these Bylaws and
the Code of Conduct.. They are selected by the Marketing Director and approved by
the Director of Administration. Assistants may be removed from the Board by a
consensus of the Sponsorship Director, Admin Director and Commissioner.
The Sports Director shall oversee the day-to-day operations of their assigned sports league(s). Conceptually, each established sport of the League will have its own director (i.e. Kickball Sports Director, Dodgeball Sports Director, etc.). An individual may serve as a Sports Director for no more than two (2) non-concurrent sports. The Sports Director shall be the final authority on the rules and regulations of their sport and shall be responsible for updating the rules for the League. The Sports Director shall serve as the arbiter of any disputes relating to the implementation of the rules with the exception of any dispute involving the team to which they belong (in such cases, the arbiter will be the Division Lead or a disinterested member of the Executive Board). Each Sports Director shall be responsible for identifying, recruiting, selecting, and training referees, umpires, and Division Leads for each season. The Sports Director shall determine field safety for each game and shall establish a protocol for inclement weather. The Sports Director will upload and maintain team rankings, standings, and score differentials on the League’s website. The Sports Director will default as Head Umpire for all games. At their discretion, they may select any qualified player as Head Umpire for the duration of any one game day. The term of the Sports Director is one (1) year and they may serve a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms. The position is year-round regardless of active sport seasons. The Sports Director should assist other Sports Directors during their respective seasons.
The Sports Director shall oversee the day-to-day operations of their assigned sports league(s). Conceptually, each established sport of the League will have its own director (i.e. Kickball Sports Director, Dodgeball Sports Director, etc.). An individual may serve as a Sports Director for no more than two (2) non-concurrent sports. The Sports Director shall be the final authority on the rules and regulations of their sport and shall be responsible for updating the rules for the League. The Sports Director shall serve as the arbiter of any disputes relating to the implementation of the rules with the exception of any dispute involving the team to which they belong (in such cases, the arbiter will be the Division Lead or a disinterested member of the Executive Board). Each Sports Director shall be responsible for identifying, recruiting, selecting, and training referees, umpires, and Division Leads for each season. The Sports Director shall determine field safety for each game and shall establish a protocol for inclement weather. The Sports Director will upload and maintain team rankings, standings, and score differentials on the League’s website. The Sports Director will default as Head Umpire for all games. At their discretion, they may select any qualified player as Head Umpire for the duration of any one game day. The term of the Sports Director is one (1) year and they may serve a maximum of three (3) consecutive terms. The position is year-round regardless of active sport seasons. The Sports Director should assist other Sports Directors during their respective seasons.