Stonewall Sports Norfolk is a volunteer led organization. Our leadership team works hard to provide safe, fun, inclusive, and diverse LGBTQIA+ organized sports and social events for the Coastal Virginia area. We are always looking for new energy and unique perspectives. Forward thinking and determination are what help us continue to expand, grow, and improve our community.

Board Benefits

  • Unique opportunities to give back to our community

  • A voice in planning and directing in the league

  • A platform to meet and interact with hundreds of new people

  • And more!

Applicants must have played a full sport season within the last year to be eligible for General and Principal board positions

Applicants for Executive board positions must have been a registered Member AND is either a current Principal Leadership Board member who has served more than 6 months or a past Principal Leadership Board member who served at least 12 months. ***NEW*** If you have 4 years direct experience for an Executive role, you may apply. Please complete the application and email your resume to